Our Principal
Our Principal has over 14 years of experience in needs assessments, space utilization studies, and preparation of construction documents as Project Lead. His masters research at USC and published work deals with energy efficiency and with solar passive architectural features. His expertise in preparing building energy simulation models during planning and design development stage have helped benefit the clients with considerable utilities cost savings. He has been successful carrying LEED and CHPS certifications achieving more than targeted certification goals.
Sustainable designs are defining a new architectural style itself.
Research, Publication and Lectures
Solar Decathlon
The Solar Decathlon competition sponsored by the US Department of Energy is well designed to give participants an invaluable real-world learning experience advancing the state of the art in energy efficient architecture. It provides an avenue to help educate consumers, and to showcase new materials, methods and technologies developed in the field of solar energy and sustainable building design. Read More…
Thermal Comfort Performance
This paper discusses the thermal comfort performance of the Frank Lloyd Wright Freeman House using dataloggers, comparative graphs and comfort charts. The Freeman House was designed by FLW in 1924 for Samuel and Harriet Freeman and was later gifted to University of Southern California for conservation and study purposes. Read More…
Brahmhatt Architects Company Profile
At Brahmbhatt Architects, we offer one stop A/E services including Design, Construction Documents, Bidding, Construction Administration, Construction Management, LEED Certification and Energy Efficiency consultations. We have a variety of experience in Architecture, Planning, Development and Energy Efficiency consultancy. Our portfolio includes small to big design projects with expertise in Healthcare, Education, Residential, Commercial, Food Services and Religious facilities. The principal’s unique knowledge of energy efficiency in buildings have been a great advantage to our clients and a special consideration for selection. We apply basic sustainable principals, available state of the art building equipment and elements and advanced features to all of our projects irrespective of the green certification goals. Read More…